Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Updating from an old iphone to a new one

When you don’t want to lose your old contacts transferring data accurately from one iphone to another can be hazardous.

You will need the help of your trusty computer for a process called backing up and restoring. I must admit that when I first heard the term backup I had no idea what it meant. It is simply this, the transfer of old data onto the computer hard drive. Restoring the information is straight forward and simply means taking it from the computer and loading it onto the new phone. Straight forward really.

So here we go. Use a lead to connect your old iphone to the computer for the transfer. Then backup the old iphone using the prompts so that you don`t lose all your saved information. Do this before you mess about with your new iphone. Now you are ready to restore this backed up data to the new iphone.

Don’t forget to have the latest iOS operating system running as this will make everything more efficient. Also ensure that you have the latest version of itunes on your computer and that it has also been “installed” as this is a separate operation!

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